Increase motivation, engagement, prevent drop-outs, productivity gains, and improve retention. HQ’s collaborative features allow you to quickly identify thought leaders, while building a vibrant online student community seamlessly inside course material.
Hap-tech is basically the use of technology to develop an individual’s positive mind, soul and body. Happiness is important because it constitutes a final goal for human beings. Happiness is something to which one aspires and its search motivates human action. An example of this is that a resolution of the United Nations of 2012 states that “the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human objective because it constitutes a final goal for human beings.
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What we do
Bespoke Happiness Curriculum
Purpose led Transformation
Training & Certification
Technology led Disruptive Learning
HQ Model of Measurement
Collaborative approach of Engagement
Micheal Clarke
"Very exciting mate congratulations. I wish you all the success in the world mate."
Our services
Happiness expertise powered by artificial intelligence and data analytics.
HCQCF is designed to fulfill a wide range of learning needs for all types and sizes of the educator and learner: future-looking universities, mental health focussed conglomerates, teachers and even individual’s benefit from the program’s powerful features.
Cutting-edge positive psychology pedagogy and machine learning research always forms the foundation of our bespoke service. Unrivaled learning analytics, ergonomic social features, AI-powered recommendations and the learning path generator make us the most personal and insightful learning platform on the market.